Who: Tifa Lockhart (notmemories), Cloud Strife (schweigeminute) What: idk tifa punches a hole through cloud jfc :|a Where: somewhere in front of the prison When: after this
Who: Cloud Strife (infusedmako), Tifa Lockhart (outlocked) What: Cloud goes to see her BECAUSE HE OWES IT TO HER OKAY??? Where: Her place. When: RTFN AFTER THIS.
Who: Sephiroth (rectifythis) and Cloud (infusedmako) What: Unfinished business eternal, of course. Where: Wherever their paths should cross. When: Sometime after this conversation. Warnings: Violence. Most def’.
Who: Cloud, Tifa, Zack. Semi-open, ping first? What: Puppy!face meets Emo!face. Wannabe!Mother is there to catch the action. Where: Tifa and Cloud's place. When: After this conversation.